We would all like to think of ourselves enjoying the good things in life, not having to stress about finances, and not having to be concerned about growing old, poor. But if we are currently living from pay check to pay check, never seeming to get ahead or having any savings, how do we change things? Where do we start…
Category: Saving Money
Masters of Money LLC Making Money Strategies Free Ebooks Giveaway
There are 2 ways to have more money. You can either cut back on expenses, or make more money, and option #2 is definitely the better option! Here are 30 ebooks & special reports, that can show you how to make more money in your spare time, possibly replace your current full time income, or even become financially independent. The…
The Book That Changed My Life by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Question: Hello “MJ The Terrible”. Thank you for accepting my connection request. It is an honor to be connected with you. I have a question. What is your favorite book about finance and money? Sincere respect, Elizabeth Green (Southern Belle from South Carolina)PS I can’t wait until your book comes out. Answer: Thank you Elizabeth. You are probably going to…
Follow These 11 Steps To Have The Highest Likelihood Odds For Success In What You Do…..
1. Limit mistakes. Instead of saying or doing the wrong thing, think first and then execute. 2. Make success a must. If you must do something, then you will think of a way to do it, no matter what. 3. Refuse to be outworked. Go early and stay late when you need to. 4. Use proven strategies for success. Proven…
Masters of Money LLC UP! Twitter Page Promotional Video
About Masters of Money, LLC. Masters of Money, LLC., was founded by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, to create and sell how to information, to people looking for ways to make and save money. The goal of Masters of Money: Provide the tools, resources, and strategies, to help anyone who wants to be more successful, create the life of their…
“It” Is Important- Find “It”!
Never stop trying to find your motivation. Believe in yourself. Know that dreams can come true, if you follow them. Obstacles can be overcome, if you keep looking for solutions. Goals can be achieved, if you consistently move towards them. Often times our own fear is what holds us back from fulfilling our true potential. The life you dream about…
Masters of Money LLC Now Has The Largest Making & Saving Money Video Library On YouTube!
It’s official! Masters of Money now has the largest making & saving money video library on YouTube, with over 8,800 videos uploaded, and growing! I can’t believe the company we officially launched on Mother’s Day of last year, now has the largest making & saving money video library on YouTube. Unbelievable! Thank you so much everyone, for all of your…
8 Steps To Follow To Get Exactly What You Want
1. Find out exactly what you want. 2. Find out “why” you want it. if you have a strong enough “why” on why you have to have it, that it becomes a “must”, and not a “should”, you will get it, or at the very least get damn close to it! 3. Challenge yourself to get it. 4. Take the…
The Ultimate Tax Advantaged Investment For 2015
October marks the start of the 4th quarter and as the end of the year draws closer, investors are starting to look at where they’re going to invest their money to best reduce any tax burdens and position themselves for 2016. As the 4th quarter gets underway, investors are starting to focus on how to best reduce 2015 tax liabilities…
The Top Oil & Gas Websites
Having reliable information sources to turn to when you need information is so important, not only in the world of oil and gas, but in all areas of life. The following websites are the best sources in each important area of the oil and gas industry. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin Top U.S. Data and…