It seems that nothing causes more stress than money. You have to keep in mind how much people need funding and rely on capital every day. Cold hard cash is what pays the mortgage, keeps you clothed, allows you to have a car and go places, keeps the light and heats on, enables you to bathe daily, and even puts…
Category: Self-Help
The Golden Rules of Wealth (3 of 3)
LEARN SOMETHING USEFUL Every man should make his son or daughter learn some useful trade or profession, so that in these days of changing fortunes of being rich to-day and poor tomorrow they may have something tangible to fall back upon. This provision might save many people from misery, who by some unexpected turn of fortune have lost all their…
The Golden Rules of Wealth (2 of 3)
RIGHT PLACE RIGHT TIME After securing the right location, you must be careful to select the proper location. You may have been cut out for a hotel keeper, and they say it requires a genius to “know how to keep a hotel.” You might conduct a hotel like clock-work, and provide satisfactorily for five hundred guests every day; yet, if…
The Golden Rules of Wealth (1 of 3)
In the United States of America, where there’s more land than people, it is not at all difficult for persons in good health to make money. In this comparatively new field there are so many avenues of success open, so many vocations which are not crowded, that any person of either sex who is willing, at least for the time…
4 Simple Steps To Better Health
It’s possible to learn how to have better health in only 4 steps and this post will show you how. Step 1: Nutritional Supplements In my opinion, they are very necessary and very beneficial- especially when combined with better health eating habits. It’s very difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs through food alone but combining proper nutrition…
Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Personal & Professional Life Quotes
“Don’t wish for it. Work for it. Don’t hope for it. Hustle for it. Don’t complain about it. Fix it. Don’t stop until you get what you want……End of story!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – Founder & Owner – Masters of Money, LLC. “You know when things happen? When you have worked for something for so long and you…
Everything You Could Ever Want To Know About Business Credit (2 of 6)
Business Credit Cards Having available credit available to a new business venture may not be absolutely necessary, but it can certainly help to have it. The Drawbacks of Business Credit Cards Many small business owners don’t realize that they are only initially starting out on a business and have not yet established a business credit score, their professional and personal…
Everything You Could Ever Want To Know About Business Credit (1 of 6)
Building Your Business Credit Planning and putting up an owned business is hard. It is a dream of millions of people around the globe. There are a lot of people who set up their own businesses but never quite get around to it. This can be due to one of the factors that can discourage these people from launching their…
What Are The Top Traded Forex Currencies?
The Forex (Foreign Exchange Market) exists because multi-national corporations and nations need to buy and sell goods/services from outside sources. To do that, they need to exchange their home currency with that of other nations. As you know, not all currencies have the same buying power, so nations, banks, and corporations exchange their money with one another just as tourists…
11 Ways To Increase Your Odds of Success In Life & In Business
11 Ways To Increase Your Odds of Success In Life & In Business: 1. Limit mistakes. Instead of saying or doing the wrong thing, think first and then execute. 2. Make success a must. If you must do something, then you will think of a way to do it, no matter what. 3. Refuse to be outworked. Go early and…