The History of Father’s Day: Father’s Day was founded in Spokane, Washington, in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd. The first Father’s Day celebration was in the Spokane YMCA on June 19th, 1910. Her father, the Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart, was a single parent who raised his 6 children there. After hearing a sermon about Anna Jarvis’s Mother’s Day…
Hater To Entrepreneur Translations Volume #5
It can be hard for the haters and the entrepreneurs/dreamers/doers to understand each other, so I thought it might be a good idea to help translate….. This time it’s different. = This time is not different. They are only trying to tell you what you want to hear. I promise I will change! = They will not change. They are…
Believe In Yourself and Go For It! Motivational Quote Pictures Collection
Believe In Yourself and Go For It! Motivational Quote Pictures Collection: “Don’t make a whole lot of noise about nothing. Make a whole lot of progress about something.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – Founder & Owner – Masters of Money, LLC. “Make 2024 the year of more! More time, more friends, more romance, more traveling, more money, and most…
Masters of Money LLC 2024 Logo Quotes Collection
The Masters of Money Family of Companies have posted over 100,000,000 picture quotes on the internet! That is over 100,000,000 health, wealth, life, self-help, historical, business, celebrity, motivational and inspirational quote pictures encouraging people all over the world to follow their dreams, improve their health, to believe in themselves, accomplish their goals, to try something new, to travel, to learn,…
Protected: The World’s First Ever Historical AI Presidential Debate: Abraham Lincoln vs Barack Obama
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Protected: The History of “MJ The Terrible” & Team Digital Death
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Masters of Money Celebrates 15 Years In Business!
Thank you to everyone that has believed in us and supported us. Thank you to our investors. Thank you to our employees and contractors. Thank you to our followers. Thank you to our business partners. Thank you to our contractors and suppliers. Thank you to even to our haters, because they keep us on our toes. We have an even…
Protected: Judge Daddy Issues Animated Cartoon Comedy Series
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How To Live Your Best Life by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
How To Live Your Best Life by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: Don’t settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It’s better to get paid than be right. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can’t rise to anything. Pick…
The Ultimate Blog About Blogging
If you want to learn learn about blogs and blogging, from how to create a blog, to what to blog about, to how to build and grow a blog, or pretty much anything else having to do with blogs and blogging, then this blog post is for you! From Starting A Blog To Making Money Blogging – The 4 Main…