I have always believed that you can learn something from everyone, from the world’s most interesting man, to a person you are standing next to in line at the checkout counter. That said, attached to this post are two letters from someone who has had unbelievable life experiences that we can all learn from. If you can look beyond the…
To all Masters of Money and “MJ The Terrible” & Team Digital Death employees and contractors
To all Masters of Money and “MJ The Terrible” & Team Digital Death employees and contractors, You are our family. Before we announced anything, we wanted to call each and every one of you first, to make sure you and yours were okay. Now that we know everyone is okay, we have a few announcements to make. 1. The “MJ…
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Keys To Success
Whether you agree or disagree with Michael Bloomberg’s politics, he is certainly one hell of a smart businessmen. Here is an email reply back to me from Michael Bloomberg, with his key’s to success! Email text: From: [email protected] <[email protected]>Subject: Responding to your messageTo: [email protected]: Thursday, July 15, 2010, 4:23 PM Dear Mr. Johnson: Thank you for writing. I’m honored that you want my…
Never Stop Looking For “It”
Never stop trying to find your motivation. Believe in yourself. Know that dreams can come true, if you follow them. Obstacles can be overcome, if you keep looking for solutions. Goals can be achieved, if you consistently move towards them. Often times our own fear is what holds us back from fulfilling our true potential. The life you dream about…
Commercial Masters of Money LLC Created For Statesman Media
MusicSong: Corner-34320Artist: Blue StahliLicenses: Adrev for Rights Holder (on behalf of FiXT Music, ASCAP (FIXT)); LatinAutorPerf, Adrev Publishing, AMRA, ASCAP, LatinAutor, and 12 Music Rights Societies About Masters of Money, LLC. Masters of Money, LLC., was founded by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, to create and sell how to information, to people looking for ways to make and save money.…
Taking A Chance: Baby Steps vs. Jumping In With Both Feet
Most people will never take a chance and/or follow their dreams, because they see it as an all or nothing, jump in and either sink or swim. It doesn’t have to be like that. It is okay to take things slow, one step at a time. If you need to take baby steps until you can walk, and walk until…
Baby Steps vs. Jumping In With Both Feet (Taking A Chance)
“MJ The Terrible”, Determination motivation, Entrepreneur motivation, Masters of Money and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, Masters of Money LLC, Masters of Money LLC and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, Michael Johnson(“MJ The Terrible”), Michael Johnson(MJ THE TERRIBLE), The history of Masters of Money LLC, Most people will never take a chance and/or follow their…
8 Steps To Follow To Get Exactly What You Want
1. Find out exactly what you want. 2. Find out “why” you want it. if you have a strong enough “why” on why you have to have it, that it becomes a “must”, and not a “should”, you will get it, or at the very least get damn close to it! 3. Challenge yourself to get it. 4. Take the…
Masters of Money LLC Sets New Facebook Business Page Record
The new all-time record for page likes on a fan page, in the business opportunity category of Facebook, was set by one of Masters of Money’s pages last week! The record setting page- www.facebook.com/mastersofmoneyllc The more friends, fans, followers, subscribers, etc., that Masters of Money has, the more good we can do. Masters of Money is a business, and we can’t…
4 Million Plus Picture Quotes Are Coming Your Way Soon
At the beginning of the year, Masters of Money bought out Getty’s entire picture quote collection. We just finished updating, restoring and improving the collection. Over the next few months, we will be posting/displaying the entire newly updated picture quote collection for you. We hope you like and benefit from the 4,000,000+ picture quotes that are coming your way soon!…