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The Ultimate Tax Advantaged Investment For 2015

Masters of Money LLC - Oil and Gas Investing Is The Very Best Tax Advantaged Investment Graphic

October marks the start of the 4th quarter and as the end of the year draws closer, investors are starting to look at where they’re going to invest their money to best reduce any tax burdens and position themselves for 2016.

As the 4th quarter gets underway, investors are starting to focus on how to best reduce 2015 tax liabilities and figure out how to best position themselves for 2016. In recent years, the number of investors considering oil well investments has grown significantly, yet still most Americans think the only way to invest in oil is through the stock market, when in fact it’s actually possible to share in the potential profits and tax deductions of the oil industry, right alongside of oil companies.

The ability to own and invest in oil is something uniquely American. The United States is one of the only countries in the world where private citizens can own natural resources. In an effort to make the United States less reliant on foreign sources of oil and to offset the risk associated with drilling domestic oil wells, the U.S. Government offers oil investors significant tax advantages that are unique to oil investments.

Oil and gas drilling programs are specifically designed to generate various tax deductions from drilling and operating oil and gas wells. These deductions include intangible drilling costs (IDC), depreciation and operating costs. In addition, when production is achieved, investors can claim a depletion deduction with respect to their share of the Venture’s income from the oil and gas produced. That makes oil investments the best tax deductions on the market, because those tax deductions actually come on top of producing wells.

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About "MJ The Terrible"

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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