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What To Blog About and Why You Should Blog About It

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A blog is a web log.  Blogs are basically online journals. That’s what a blog is. You can create a blog about anything you want to, and you can write about anything you want to. Blogs can be for personal or business use.

You can blog for and/or about money, or you can blog to share your thoughts/feelings about your life, life in general, a particular topic, about a cause or candidate, your religion, or a religion, about your pets, or animals, about your kids, cooking, sports, the military, history, teaching, philanthropy, cancer research, atrocities, scientific breakthroughs, peace, peace keeping, war, love, hate, agriculture, fast food, bullying, anti-bullying, chance/luck, the lottery, gambling, wine, problems, solutions, your worries, your regrets, your friends, your family, one night stands, the love of your life, experimental science, conspiracy theories, Star Wars, cigars, sex, lifestyle choices, travel, school, love, comebacks, heroes, movies, tv shows, Hollywood, Bollywood, your country, your state, your city, your neighborhood, your language, the language you want to learn, fitness, your personal journey, the future, fiction, novels, toys, collectibles, clubs, culture, companies, technology, hacking, cracking, marketing, internet start ups, architecture, the past, events, diseases, disorders, food, habits, hobbies, biology, chemistry, the food chain, choices, routines, products, services, real-estate, taxes, other blogs, websites, product reviews, psychology, quantum psychics photography, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, Doris Day, bowling balls, Niagara Falls, homeless vets, Tourettes, Marilyn Monroe, sexism, plagiarism, “ism’s”, the good ole days, stigmas, phobias, outliers, liars, traditions, NASCAR, contradictions, little known facts, adventures, dentistry, medical treatments, lucky breaks, devastating defeats, patriotism, comedy, witches, celebrity gossip, honorable men or women, traitors, game-changers, doctors, lawyers, math, FOREX, romance, foreign films, art, time travel, fairness, online activities, offline activities, passion, race, genocide, pesticide, herbicide, Telluride, Sally Ride, international trade, hypocrisy, aristocracy, clouds, crowds, aromas, comas, diplomas, muscles, mayhem, bromances, second chances, living and learning, money, debt, finance, magazines, stores, newsletters, niches, micro-niches, research, politics, policies, feast, famine, epidemics, who, him, them, that, what, where, when, why, how, because, crisis, ISIS, astrology, numerology, the state of something, untold stories, family history, kings, queens, intelligence, stupidity, colors, shares, pieces, thinking, feelings, connection, connections, meaning, belonging, smell, smells, senses, taste, touch, firsts, cause and effect, fashion, biotechnology, farming, drugs, life hacks, “How to” information, give advice, share stories, share the news, give your perspective on a topic or event, talk about the weather, space, aliens, junk, hoarding, family heirlooms, idols, American Idol, Golden Girls, strippers, pornography, action figures, meditation, mindfulness, national parks, the 7 wonders of the world, miracles, the one that got away, mistakes, loss, gain, roadblocks, civil rights, voting, younger generations, older generations, aging, anti-aging, makeup, coffee, lingerie, charts, patterns, the end of the world, world peace, natural disasters, anomalies, monopoly, the solar system, chemicals, bugs, comets, swimming, homes, apartments, condos, the next big thing, fads, flops, dolls, malls, balls, walls, weddings, car repair, exotic cars, restoring cars, boats, planes, trains, gold, silver, oil, alternative energy, fate, clubs, time, coincidences, the finer things in life, starvation, fame, glory, myths, statistics, the migratory path of birds, plants, trees, green peace, sights, sounds, names, places, facts, figures, historical figures, memories, nightmares, righting wrongs, social media, the media, awards, titles, preferences, quirks, home remedies, stay at home moms, addiction, before and after experiences, weightless, the classics, compare events, compare periods of time, games, video games, artists, bucket lists, radiation, innovation, masturbation, fetishes, fruit, vegetables, emotions, logic, personality types, sales, making a living, self destruction, organisms, orgasms, the time/times of your life, divorce, loyalty, affairs, good decisions, bad decisions, contraception, birth control, invitro fertilization, having babies, making babies, raising kids, single moms, single dads, your job, jobs, career choices, finding a job, retirement, financial planning, life and death, Scientology, plastic surgery, same sex marriage, polygamy, violence, homicide, suicide, gay pride, apartheid, heaven, hell, cologne, perfume, yoga, models, modeling, foreign currencies, candy, desserts, the desert, provide talking points, plants, flowers, holidays, new years resolutions, revolutions, music, bands, your band, the band you want to star, the band you dreamed about, goals, survival, protection, erections, self talk, loneliness, popularity, hard work, timelines, assassinations, telethons, superstitions, pride, prejudice, phenomenons, topography, shape shifters, policy, artificial intelligence, thought, thoughts, relevance, timing, wifi, sharing, value, commodities, futures, duty, respect, meaning, welfare, protections, abilities, talent, equality, nationalities, division, unity, new, old, dancing, public speaking, robots, nano tech, biotech, software, hard ware, day dreaming, human behavior, mind control, rock and roll, the North Poll, legends, the Hall of Fame, shame, blame, Rick James, Stuxnet, World War 1, World War 2, the war on poverty, the war on drugs, aviation, self awareness, good deeds, good, evil, sin, books, gifts, grammar, Elvis, vision, outlook, email, income, happiness, sadness, beliefs, analogies, anagrams, distance, the meaning of life, life after death, aftershave, cartoons, fire, desire, telephones, cell phones, “MJ The Terrible”, cereal, design, body language, the law, forms of government, world government, the Illuminati, Maserati’s, hotels, casinos, villains, symbolism, prize fighters, freedom fighters, guns, rights, terrorists, terrorism, mine, yours, ownership, context, freedom of speech, the seasons, signs, the ocean, air, land, courtesies, abortion, control, property, obligations, reparations, nations, mindset, self-help, water parks, skiing, WWE wrestling, Chess, Checkers, making love, love and rate, persuasion, influence, sickness, hope, strategies, ghosts, fantasy, cosplay, dating, hair, wish lists, dream boards, multi-level marketing, sharing, wealth, poverty, child birth, women, men, dieting, attraction, the Law of Attraction, provide a spotlight to the things that you care about, complain about something, brighten people’s day, celebrate peoples accomplishments, debate the issues, or anything else that you can think of to blog about. Your blog, is your online journal to write about whatever it is that you can think of/want to write about.

Blogging can be a great outlet to get things off your chest, vent your frustrations, have some fun, get creative, make money, and more. I hope by reading this post you found something that you want to blog about, and you are inspired enough to create your own blog, and start blogging.

10 of The Top Websites That Buy and Sell Content (Newly Updated) –

Yours in success,

Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Senior Partner
Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG.
d/b/a Masters of Money, LLC.
4701 Sangamore Rd
Suite 100N
Bethesda, MD 20816
Phone #: (240) 210-9540
Email: [email protected]

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About "MJ The Terrible"

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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